- Use knuckles instead of your nails when possible.
- Wear gloves when doing the washing, gardening or when using harsh detergents.
- Use the pads of your fingers instead of the tips of your nail enhancements when taking laundry out of dryer.
- Pick up objects with the pads of your fingers.
Getting nail enhancements requires maintenance. You should be visiting your nail tech every two weeks to have the nail enhancements re-balanced. As the nails grow, the enhancements experience more pressure and stress, therefore re-balancing the new growth area can strengthen the enhancements and balance out the pressure on the enhancements. If you don't regularly fill the acrylics or gels then chances of lifting, breaking, and snapping of the nail enhancements are more prone to occur.
Acrylics are porous, meaning they have open pockets in the nail enhancements causing liquid and air to pass through. A coat of clear top coat with UV inhibitors can act as a barrier from polish staining, and reflecting off UV sun rays - which causes yellowing in enhancements.
Every night before you go to bed, massage cuticle oil/cream around the cuticles to keep the cuticles supple and promote healthy nail growth.
Note: Avoid cuticle oil/creams that contains mineral oil, lanolin, or petrolatum as they can cause lifting to the enhancements!
The first 48 hrs will determine how good the acrylics will stay on! Any of the
following within the 48 hrs, increases the chances of Acrylics or Gels to
lifting and snapping off!
- Do not pick the acrylics or gels nail enhancements.
- Do not bite the acrylics or gel nail enhancements.
- Do not go banging the acrylics or gel nail enhancements on hard surfaces
- Do not tap the acrylics or gel nail enhancements for fun (as many people tap nails on surfaces instantly after getting nail enhancements)
- Do not lift heavy objects with acrylics or gel enhancements.
- Do not open cans or containers with acrylics or gel enhancements.
- Use knuckles or pads of your fingertips where possible replacing nails.
- Do not submerge acrylics or gels in detergents/water without wearing gloves (washing hands and showering is different).
Do not use a acetone based polish remover (use non-acetone) on acrylic nail enhancements.
ALL ABOVE APPLIES TO ALL NAIL ENHANCEMENTS --- crucial 48hrs is only for acrylics. But all nail enhancements should be treated like jewels at all times!
What is MMA?
MMA (Methyl Methacrylate) is a toxic chemical ingredient used in cheap acrylics which causes irritation to the human body through numerous ways! MMA are used to make resins, plastics, and plastic dentures. Plastic denture processes are cured outside of the mouth, therefore are safe when placed in contact with human tissue. But acrylics enhancements are different, as they take up to 48 hrs to fully cure, the exposure rate to MMA is of high risk. In 2001, the FDA believes that liquid methyl methacrylate when used in cosmetic fingernail preparations, is a poisonous and deleterious substance. MMA atoms are so small that they can easily penetrate the skin and nail plate. MMA is a sensitizer that can cause irritation and allergic reactions once it’s in contact with the skin. The Material Data Safety Sheet mentions the following:
- MMA has a strong, sharp, fruity odor that can affect you when inhaled.
- It may damage the developing fetus.
- Exposure can irritate the eyes, skin, nose and throat.
- Exposure could damage the nervous system. Symptoms may include pins & needles, numbness, weakness and changes in the ability to remember and concentrate.
- Severe side effects may include abnormal liver or kidney functions, nervous system and reproductive problems
Many nail salons have brand name products displayed on walls and stands, but have you ever actually asked to see the original acrylic containers? Having that brand of retail products displayed doesn't mean they use the same brand products on you. Ask for original acrylic containers and make sure the ingredients contain NO MMA!
Have you been exposed to MMA? How do you know and what are the symptoms?
MMA is very cheap to purchase. Therefore, prices can be cheaper then professional nail salons. Beware of strong fumes in the salon that can cause the following symptoms: skin irritation, inflammation, scaling, reddening and skin sensitization. Burning in the eyes, redness, tearing, itchy and swelling from the MMA liquid and vapors. MMA can cause dizziness, nausea and anesthetic effects when inhaled through the respiratory tract. Prolonged exposure to MMA substance can cause organ damage (kidney, liver and lungs).
What happens if you have acrylics enhancements with MMA in it?
When MMA substance acrylics are put on your nail it will be HARD and RIGID, and hard to remove. From a clients perspective that may sound great, what will happen if you banged your nails hard on a table, wall, surface by accident? MMA acrylics will tear your whole natural nail off with the acrylics. The safe formula also the more expensive acrylics uses EMA (Ethyl Methacrylate), it contains more flexibility in the acrylics and can be removed in 20-30 minutes with pure acetone, while MMA acrylics might take you hours and hours and will not even soak off.
What Are The Alternatives?
Ethyl Methacrylate Liquid Monomers EMA
Most manufacturers formulate their liquid monomer with ethyl methacrylate. This product has been declared safe for use by trained nail technicians. At Flos' Tips 'n Toes we use products such as Creative liquid monomers which are formulated with ethyl methacrylate. EMA is a much safer and larger atom and doesn’t damage the nail plates and it is less likely to cause an allergic reaction. EMA and gels are meant to adhere to healthy nail surfaces - their chemical composition/physical structure is meant to match the surface of a healthy nail. Acrylic nails can be and should be safe when properly applied and maintained. There are alternatives for anyone who wants to absolutely sure of avoiding MMA based products. Light cured gels is a wonderful Alternative to Acrylic. The gel is applied to the natural nail with a thin brush and hardened under a UV light to cure the resin. If a salon mixes a powder and a liquid, this is not a gel. Natural Nail Manicures is another alternative. Natural nail products and procedures have become quite advanced. Various manicures and products can help develop healthier nails.
How often should I get a pedicure?
A pedicure is a normal way of caring for the feet and toenails. It can increase the comfort level of your feet, as well as enhance the way they look. Plus, many people find receiving a pedicure to be extremely relaxing. Pedicures can be scheduled as often as you like. Every 3 - 4 weeks. They will maintain a fresh look and feel great. Frequent pedicures will keep the soles of your feet soft and will prevent cracking of the heels, especially in dry winter weather. Having your nails trimmed, shaped, callus removed and nails perfectly polished is a treat to pamper yourself. And the polish lasts much longer when you have it done by a professional. You deserve it. During the summer months, when your feet may be exposed on a more regular basis, you may want to enjoy a pedicure more regularly.
Why is the Credo Blades illegal with pedicures?
One of the BIGGEST NO,NO’s the use of Credo Blades are illegal in Illinois. Many Non-Standard Nail Salons use these blades while performing a Pedicure. “Illegal in Illinois”
How long will a pedicure take?
A pedicure takes about 45-60 minutes, and includes removal of old polish (if needed), filing of toenails, treatment of cuticles, removal of calluses and massage of the lower leg and foot. Polish is then applied, if desired - plan to bring sandals to allow painted toenails to dry fully. For your convenience, Liquid Glamour provides lightweight foam post-pedicure flip-flops.
Should I trim or cut my toenails before I go get a pedicure?
No please. Leave your Nail Tech have something to work with. The client may cut the toenails too short or at a deep angle creating a potential ingrown toenail.
What causes calluses?
Going barefoot on a regular basis causes calluses, most people’s feet dry out in the summer because they are wear sandals or aren’t covered or protected by shoes, it’s best to keep a pumice stone in your shower and exfoliate the soles of your feet once or twice a week.
At Home Care:
You can keep calluses under control at home by carefully sanding them down. You
can do this while in the shower if not. First, wash your feet. Then soak them for 10
minutes in a basin of clean, warm water with two tablespoons mild soap or
liquid. Then rub the callus with cuticle oil (even good old olive oil will
work) until it feels moist and soft, usually about one minute. Sand the callus
with a pumice stone or a callus file. Stop sanding before the area becomes
tender—one to two minutes. * Wearing tight shoes will aggravate calluses. The only person who should remove or trim your calluses with a sharp instrument
is a podiatris. Never take a razor or scissors to a callus. You can cut
yourself and could cause infection.
What if I’m afraid to have a pedicure?
It if very common that you are afraid of showing your feet to someone you don’t know. Remember we have seen all types of feet and you should ‘t be afraid to take care of your feet.
An ingrown toenail is when the toenail grows into the skin alongside the toenail and causes infection and pain! An ingrown nail occurs when a portion of a toenail on either side of the toe turns downward and presses into the skin. Nails normally are nearly flat, When the border of the nail is turned downward, it begins to injure the skin.
Notify your nail tech if you notice any changes on your nails and consult your physician.
Can I prevent from having an ingrown toenail again?
Cutting toe nails properly is the prevention of ingrown nails. Use
a nail clipper. Cut the nails STRAIGHT ACROSS, so that you can see each corners
of the nail VISABLEY. If you cut the nail too short you are inviting the nail
corner to grow into the skin. It is the natural tendency, What happens is that cutting
down at an angle on each corner creates a space nail edge.
Notify your nail tech if you notice any changes on your nails and consult your
Can I get a pedicure if I have ingrown toenails?
Yes, for sure Ingrown toenails are commonly associated with improper filing or incorrect fitted shoes. Your Nail Tech can help correct the problem, and advise you about how to avoid in the future.
Is there ever a time I shouldn't have a pedicure?
Pedicures are designed to help maintain the healthy and attractive
foot and toenails. Because athlete's foot and foot fungus are extremely
contagious, your feet should be completely clear of these problems before
receiving a pedicure.
Notify the person giving you a pedicure if you notice any changes in your nails
or feet and consult your physician.
Nail fungus, or otherwise known as onychomycosis, is a contagious infection of the nail bed and plate caused by several types of fungi, and sometimes yeast. Fungi are simple parasitic plant organisms that lack of chlorophyll and therefore do not require sunlight to grow. It can easily attach to the nail and thrive off keratin, nail’s protein substance.
*Notify your nail technician if you notice any changes on your nails and consult your physician.
Fungi are ubiquitous, and can be found everywhere. More common
areas to contact them are bathrooms, locker rooms, gyms and unsanitary nail
implements. Some people are simply more prone to becoming infected with fungi,
often due to hereditary lack of immunity.
*Notify your nail technician if you notice any changes on your nails and
consult your physician.
How do I know if my nail is infected with fungus?
When infected with fungus, nail becomes thicker, yellowish-brown or darker color and has a specific odor when filed. The biggest problem with nail fungus is that it’s extremely contagious and can easily spread to other nails or skin. *Notify your nail technician if you notice any changes on your nails and consult your physician.
What causes the fungal infection?
Nail fungus is usually caused by a trauma to the nail. If the nail is just slightly elevated of the nail bed, a space develops under the nail where water and microbes accumulate. This creates a perfect warm and damp environment for their growth. Exposing hand and feet to water will increase the risk of getting fungal infection. People with artificial nails are at higher risk due to the microscopic damage to the nail that causing it to rise. *Notify your nail technician if you notice any changes on your nails and consult your physician.
How can I prevent fungal infection?
Wearing properly fitted shoes, drying feet thoroughly after shower or bath, wearing shower shoes when in public showers and properly disinfecting home implements are some of the ways to protect the nail from getting infected. Keep your toes dry, because the fungus starts off in wet places. Beware when you are using public restrooms, showers and pools all ways wear the shoes you have with you. Wear the most comfortable pair of shoes you have. Make sure they are not too tight and make sure they are dry. Let your toes air out. Take a change of socks with you. If you work outside, whenever you get a break change your socks and shoes. When you decide to cut your toe nails, do not cut them so close to your skin. You could cut your toe causing the infection to spread. *Most importantly notify your nail technician if you notice any changes on your nails and consult your physician.
Is there a health threat with fungal infections?
Fungal infection will weaken the nail over a period of time, and can cause it to ultimately fall off for not being anchored to the nail bed. A prolonged infection can permit a bacterial infection to begin in the foot, which may result in foot or ankle ulcers and lead to blood poisoning. *Notify your nail technician if you notice any changes on your nails and consult your physician.
How do I treat fungal infections?
There are several of internal and topical medications available on the market. Treatment will vary depending on the severity of each case. It can be lengthy due to the slow growth of the fingernail and especially toenail, anywhere from 4 to 12 months. *Please note that TEA TREE OIL is the main ingredient in all three suggestions. * With any noticeable changes on your nails please notify your nail technician and consult your physician.

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